Yoga for Mental Wellbeing

Come and join Beth every Thursday for an hours free session 12 noon until 1pm 

Fun, enjoyment, and meeting new people are the top reasons given by our participants, volunteers and coaches for coming to Sport in Mind sessions.

Perhaps you are returning to an activity you enjoyed previously or a chance to try a new activity which could become something you really like and want to develop.

Sport in Mind offer a wide range of activities to suit everyone, regardless of age, gender, mobility, ethnicity, or ability. 

Joining a team sport has many benefits, with mutual encouragement, recognition of improvements/achievements, comradery, good natured competition, friendships developed, chance to meet new people, learn new skills and improve play, or having a friendly non- competitive game with likeminded people.

It may be an activity like gardening, that calms and inspires you, gives you a better perspective and helps you notice the natural world and seasons/ wildlife. Or yoga that helps you control your breathing, improves your balance and stretching and can become a starting point for meditation if you so wish.

It may give a purpose to your week, a focus that you can look forward to and may help you develop a weekly routine.

If you are struggling with difficult thoughts, sport can be a welcome distraction (you can’t think about things whilst playing table tennis!)

For more details CLICK HERE  or send us an EMAIL

Owlsmoor Community Centre
Yeovil Road
Sandhurst , GU47 0TF
Phone: 01344 779690 01344 779690
Mobile phone 07596 544435
Fax: .
E-mail address:

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