The Committee is pleased to annnounce that to further support the Centre and the local Community we have bought and AED ( Automatic External Defibrillator ). Its situated on the rear wall facing the car park and to access please call 999 and give them the location and they will give you the code to open,
We have a new phone number for all enquires and requesting info about the centre, Please call on 01344 779690.
Hi John,
I just wanted to say what a brilliant job you have done with the centre.
The redecoration in the hall with (especially) the mirrors, the blinds
replacing the curtains and the chairs makes it feel completely safe and
friendly. I sanitised and locked up when I left and I hope you will find
everything safe and sound.
When I checked with class tonight, they would like to continue until
Thursday 17 December.
Once again, thanks for all you have done.
Richard from Tap Dance for Fun
Please help us to help the users and protect families buy reading and observing the signs and instructions in the centre and make sure your details are with the Class or Group Leader on arrival.
Here is a list of our returned classes and groups. You can also download fron HERE
Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Owlsmoor Community Centre.